Nadia Ferroukhi lives in Paris. Born of a Czech mother and an Algerian father, a nomad since her childhood. Today, as a documentary photographer and a visual storyteller, she travels the planet armed with her camera, expressing herself through reports that she publishes in the French and international press. She exhibits in festivals, galleries and international museums.
Multilingual and curious, her "3rd eye" and her empathy allow her to fulfill all the aspirations that have animated her since childhood. Her photos tell the stories of all those who, through their specificity, contribute to the diversity of the planet. Over the years, she has built stories, with a particular focus on the status of women.
Nadia established two associations : Douniatou Association in 2008 to help Tumaï, a woman village in Kenya. Tumaï is part of her latest story showcased in Les Matriarches, photo & textbook. And, Anno's Arts in 2022, to support the academic and artistic education of children living in the slums of Nairobi, Kenya and to promote exchanges with France :
She graduated in International Relations in Virginia, USA.
"Seeing with one eye, feeling with the other" Paul Klee, Journal
Languages & countries
Speaks & writes fluently French, English, German, Czech and notions in Arabic.
Currently learning Spanish ;-)
Assignments in the following counties : Algeria -Morocco -United Arab Emirates -Yemen -Oman -Iran -Pakistan -Egypt -Jordan -Niger -Kenya -Guinea Bissau -Burkina Fasso -Mali -Ethiopia -Madagascar -Ghana -Mauritania -Gambia -Benin -Comoros -Mexico -Colombia -Guatemala -Costa Rica -Vietnam -China -Cambodia -Ladakh -India -Indonesia -United States -Estonia -Czech Republic, Austria, France, Scotland ...
- Edition -France- Albin Michel, Les Matriarches
Laureate 4th edition of the 2021 Booksellers' Prize "I love the art book"
- Edition -Japan- Albin Michel, Les Matriarches
- Edition Du Palais, Guérir du cancer et vivre
- Edition Dalva, Cover for Amour extérieur nuit
- Edition Gallimard, Cover for Le Coup de Vague de Georges Simenon
- Edition Gallimard, Collection Découverte Touareg
- Ed. Georama, iles
- Communication Agency Phileas, On va s’aimer
- Edition Turquoise, Voix de Femme
- FNAC Dossier de Presse, Livre Blanc Algérie cultures
- Edition Dalimen, Nos ancêtres les Rois Numides
- Edition Milan, Algérie Regards croisés
- Edition de L’Oeil, Les Carnets de la Création
- GEO France & GEO International
- Courrier International
- Le Courrier de l'UNESCO
- Le Figaro Magazine
- Le Monde
- Le Monde Atlas
- Le Monde des Religions
- D-La Republica
- Le Point
- La Vie
- Terre avec Terre d’Aventure
- Reader's Digest
- Terra Mater
- Jeune Afrique
- Libération
- Marie-Claire France & International
- Marianne
- Christian Science Monitor
- CCFD-Terre Solidaire
- La Croix
- L'Humanité
- Femmes Ici & Ailleurs
- Science et Vie
- AM Afrique Magazine
- Armen
- Jeune Afrique
- Nouvel Espace "C0 42". Clichy, France
Au nom de la Mère-LesMatriarches - Festival La Gacilly-Baden. Austria
Im Name der Mutter-Les Matriarches - Festival Photos La Gacilly. France
Au nom de la Mère-Les Matriarches - Gare Montparnasse. Paris, France
Au nom de la Mère-Les Matriarches - 104-Centquatre Cultural Center & Festival Terre d'Aventure. Paris, France
Au nom de la mère-Les Matriarches - Gallery Bobigny. Bobigny, France
Les Matriarches-Au nom de la Mère - Gallery Regard Sud. Lyon, France
Les Matriarches-Au nom de la Mère - Gallery Taylor. Paris, France
Les Matriarches-Au nom de la Mère - National Opera of Montpellier. France
In partnership with Futurapolis Health, Octobre Rose and Woman@Canon.
From breast cancer screening to recovery - VISA pour l’Image. Perpignan, France
Octobre Rose. From breast cancer screening to recovery - CANON Headquarters. Paris, France
Les Matriarches - Photo Doc. Paris, France
Au nom de la Mère-Les Matriarches - Photo Festival Les Femmes s’exposent. Houllegate, France
Au nom de la Mère-Les Matriarches - Gallery Thorigny. Paris, France
Au nom de la Mère, les Matriarches - Photo Festival Escales. Bretagne, France
Vers les îles - Museum Quai Branly Photoquai biennial. Paris, France
Le Corbusier Alger / Marseille - Museum of Modern Art Algiers (MAMA). Algeria
Arab world cultural year retrospective - Photo Festival Bamako. Mali
Family code in Algeria - FNAC itinerary exhibitions. Paris, France
Algeria facts and effects 12 years of journalism - Gallery Little Big. Paris, France
Tumai, women village - Photo Festival L'HO. Paris, France
Life in the Sahara - City Hall of Bordeaux. France
Le Corbusier Algiers / Marseille - OPEC Fund. Vienna, Austria
Algerian chronicles - Festival Tchintchine. Toulouse, France
The Moso in the Yunnan, China - Festival of Solidarity 2013-2019. Chalon sur Saône, France
Photo on Billboard for the festival - Centro Cultura Contemporania Barcelona. Spain
The Hittistes, Algier’s youth - Photo Festival Black motion. Venice, Italy
African Beauty
- Interviews on radio & television, check on web site under EVENTS :
- Laureate of the 4th edition of the 2021 Booksellers' Prize « I love the art book » Les Matriarches
- Leica Gallery Vienna, Les Matriarches
- Finalist : Les Amis du Prix Albert Kahn
- Conference : TEDx Chantilly, Les Matriarches
- Conference : Le Printemps des Fameuses, Les Matriarches
- Workshop : Youth Citizenship Association
- Newsletter : CANON
- Presentation : CANON, Salon Photo, Les Matriarches
- Conference : Museum Nicéphore Niepce, Algerian retrospective
- Lecture : French Alliance of Algiers, Algerian retrospective
- Workshop : On photojournalism at MJM Graphic Design Schoo
- Auction at Drouot
- rentingArt at attorney's office Trocadero - Paris, France
- Grand Price Photo Saint Tropez (photo donation for auction for the benefit of the cardiac surgery patronage)
- Fondation Synergie Solaire - Paris, France
- Notary Falques & Clermont - Paris, France
- Agence Française de Développement (AFD) - Paris, France
- Maison Européenne de la Photographie (MEP) - Paris, France
- Interparfums - Paris, France
- Thorigny Gallery - Paris, France
- Private collections - International