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2019–2021 Algerian protests

On February 16, 2019, six days after President Abdelaziz Bouteflika announced his candidacy for a fifth presidential term,  Algerians took to the streets to call for democracy. Tens of thousands of Algerians have been demonstrating, twice a week, Tuesdays and Fridays for these past two years.

These non-violent protests, called the Hirak (movement in Arabic) without precedent since the Algerian Civil War in the 1990s  led  to Bouteflika's almost immediate resignation  imposed by the military April 2, 2019.

The rising tensions within the Algerian regime can be traced back to the beginning of Bouteflika's rule, which has been characterized by the state's monopoly on natural resources revenues used to finance the government's clientelist system and ensure its stability.

The pandemic prevented demonstrations for several months. The regime continues to respond with repression and numerous arrests.

Every Friday, Algerians and those who come from other cities or regions of the country, come to vendredire (Fridaysay), as they are fond to say. This invented "verb" has become part of the vocabulary.

« Putin, Trump, Macron: the rights of the Palestinian people come first. »

USMA - The sports union of the medina of Algiers, an Algerian football club based in Algiers. Founded on July 5, 1937, it is the first club to win in 1963 the Algerian Football Championship. During the Friday demonstrations, this is where the USMA supporters gather: the USMA square as they say.

Young woman wearing the traditional haik dress in contrast with her trendy sneakers. « Immediate resignation of the Parliament, the Council of the Nation and the Institutional Council. »

« The state will be judged for its corruption. »

« Foreign intervention is obviously not welcome. Slogans of this nature are very common. »

« His Excellency the people. The people wish that they clear all. The people wish that they all be judged. »

In front of the Grand Poste of Algiers, where the demonstrations start on every Friday.

« The army and the people, khawa. »

« This country and its army belong to us. 4B = Boutef, Bedoui, Ben Salah, Beliz. »

« History will not forgive you. #Celia. »

« We ask for the departure of the system. Clear all! »

« We are the children of France. (Sellal, Bedoui, Saïd Bouteflika). »

During and after the demonstrations, volunteers clean the streets of the capital.

Post-it panel on which everyone can express their feelings, but especially to share instagram hashtags.

Panneau de post-it sur lequel chacun peut exprimer son ressenti, mais surtout pour y partager des hashtag instagram.

« Freedom ». Poem on the importance of continuing to dream about the greatness of the country.

Tuesday demonstration, students’ day.

Highlight of Friday demonstrations, the passage of the Audin tunnel, which must be done at least once.

Generations united around the same claims. A peaceful atmosphere with the word Selmiya (peaceful) heard everywhere. A source of pride for the Algerian people whose image abroad is so damaged!

« He who has sold and betrayed his country is like the one who steals from his father's bedroom in order to feed a thief. He will not be forgiven by his father, nor rewarded by the thief. Signed stolen thing. » 

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